70 | How Emma became fully booked
Jo Lott interviews her client Emma Marinos about her experience in Jo's Elevate program and how it helped grow Emma's coaching business.
00:00 - Introduction and podcast overview
01:00 - Introduction of guest Emma Marinos and background on the Elevate program
02:00 - Emma describes her coaching business and reasons for joining Elevate
03:00 - Most helpful aspects of the program, including creating a signature solution document
04:00 - How the program helped Emma be more proactive in her business
05:00 - Changes in Emma's workload and business as a result of the program
06:00 - Shift in perspective on client relationships
07:00 - Emma's experience working with Jo in the program
09:00 - How the program opened up future possibilities for Emma's business
10:00 - Emma's biggest takeaways from the Elevate program
11:00 - Mindset changes Emma experienced
12:00 - Emma's goals for the future of her business
13:00 - Who Emma would recommend the program to
15:00 - Where to find Emma online
16:00 - Jo's key takeaways from the conversation
17:00 - Information on Jo's upcoming Signature Solution program
18:00 - Closing thoughts
Useful Links
How to secure more coaching clients' free training
Download the 12 ways to get clients now
Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
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