10 | How to Create a Signature Coaching Programme
Having a unique coaching system will help you to differentiate yourself from the competition, refine and perfect your process, and create multiple streams of income. Jo encourages you to focus on what your clients want, not just what they need, and determine your pricing based on the transformation you provide.
Creating a Signature Coaching Offer [00:00:26" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">00:00:26]
Jo discusses the importance of having a signature coaching system and how it can differentiate you from other coaches, create more reliable outcomes, and allow you to filter out clients who aren't a good fit.
Selling What They Want, Not What They Need [00:05:31" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">00:05:31]
Jo explains the importance of positioning your coaching in a way that resonates with clients and addresses their immediate desires, using the analogy of the front door and back door.
Identifying Your Ideal Client's Front Door Issue [00:07:23" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">00:07:23]
Jo advises coaches to actively lead with their ideal client's front door issue, the big goal they are currently aware of and actively seeking, to attract clients and help them achieve their goals.
Creating a Compelling Headline [00:10:18" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">00:10:18]
Crafting a headline that resonates with clients by understanding their front door issue and expressing it in concrete terms.
Steps in a Coaching Program [00:11:18" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">00:11:18]
Outlining three to six steps in a coaching program to provide a tangible roadmap for clients.
Determining Pricing [00:12:13" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">00:12:13]
Thinking about pricing in terms of the transformation provided versus the cost of a session and confidently setting prices.
Useful Links
Download the 12 ways to get clients now
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Hello and welcome to Women in the Coaching Arena podcast.
Speaker:I'm so glad you are here.
Speaker:I'm Jo Lott, a business mentor and ICF accredited coach, and I'm on a
Speaker:mission to help brilliant coaches build brilliant coaching businesses.
Speaker:In this podcast, I'll be sharing honest, not hype, practical and
Speaker:emotional tools to support you to make the difference that you are here for.
Speaker:Microphone (Samson Q2U Microphone): Hello and welcome to episode 10
Speaker:of Women in the Coaching Arena.
Speaker:I'm so glad you are here.
Speaker:In today's episode, we are diving into the topic of creating
Speaker:a signature coaching offer.
Speaker:So if you have been in my world for a while, you know, I talk about this a lot.
Speaker:It's a crucial step because without a tangible offer, all of your marketing
Speaker:efforts could go to waste, and we definitely don't want that to happen.
Speaker:So firstly, what is a signature system?
Speaker:Your signature system is the unique method that you use with clients.
Speaker:In other words, it's how you help your clients get from A to B or how I
Speaker:like to describe it from Hell Island, which is where they are now, to Heaven
Speaker:Island, which is where they want to be.
Speaker:And here are some reasons why you would want a signature coaching system.
Speaker:So firstly, it differentiates you from other coaches.
Speaker:If you are a coach and have no other differentiator, then
Speaker:you have a lot of competition.
Speaker:Whereas if you have a unique methodology, then people will start to like the
Speaker:way you do things and your signature coaching offer will be something
Speaker:that you can become known for.
Speaker:My signature coaching offer is the business of coaching.
Speaker:It's my one program that I have poured my heart into, which helps coaches go
Speaker:from not enough clients and overwhelmed to having clients and having clarity
Speaker:about where their business is headed.
Speaker:Another reason why you would want your own signature system is because
Speaker:it creates more reliable outcomes.
Speaker:Because when you have coached somebody on that sort of topic, several times, you
Speaker:will start to notice patterns and you can refine and perfect your process over time.
Speaker:So thirdly, having a system in place versus selling coaching just
Speaker:as 6 sessions or something really helps you to actually sell coaching
Speaker:because people don't buy coaching.
Speaker:They buy solutions to their problems.
Speaker:I have a particular framework that is my intangible, tangible framework that
Speaker:I work through with clients to help them to bring the intangible, which
Speaker:is coaching and most people don't understand well enough to buy to a
Speaker:really tangible thing that the average person understands and values enough to
Speaker:part with their hard earned money for.
Speaker:So I provide lots of templates so my clients can create a visual
Speaker:representation, so then you can start to talk through your offer and really
Speaker:allow people to see the journey that they will go on if they work with you.
Speaker:It also allows you to filter out clients who aren't a good fit, because
Speaker:if they're not bought into your point of view, it's not going to work out.
Speaker:So for example, I believe that you do need to niche to be able to have,
Speaker:and grow a successful business.
Speaker:That doesn't mean that you can't get a client without niching, but you might
Speaker:just get the odd one or two, and it's probably not gonna be particularly high
Speaker:fees because if you're just selling coaching, it's really, really difficult.
Speaker:So my point of view is that you do need a niche and a signature coaching
Speaker:offer to be able to really sell coaching effectively enough to build
Speaker:a solid, reliable, long-term business.
Speaker:So if you don't believe that, then you are not gonna be a great client for me because
Speaker:I'm not going to be able to help you.
Speaker:So the fourth reason why is it allows your clients to feel safe and cared for.
Speaker:So when your client sees that you have a process, they can put their trust in you
Speaker:and know that you are able to get there.
Speaker:And obviously if they believe it's possible, then they are
Speaker:more likely to get the results.
Speaker:So a lot of it is also them buying into the fact that this is possible for them,
Speaker:and you can transfer that confidence that you have a way of helping them to get
Speaker:there versus the come for some coaching, we'll see where we get to, and most
Speaker:people then like, oh, I'm a bit busy.
Speaker:This isn't worth the money.
Speaker:All of that kind of stuff.
Speaker:So if they see that you have this way of getting them there, then
Speaker:they will lean into that process and are more likely to get the results.
Speaker:So the last reason why this is brilliant to do is it gives you the ability to
Speaker:create multiple streams of income.
Speaker:So when you want to stop trading time for money, you can build a book out
Speaker:of your signature coaching offer.
Speaker:You can build a course, you can build a group program, you can build a membership.
Speaker:There's lots of things you can do, and you can literally take this one
Speaker:system that you will become known for and use it in several different ways.
Speaker:So let's get started with the really exciting bit now and create
Speaker:your signature coaching package.
Speaker:So the first point you need to be aware of here is sell them what
Speaker:they want, not what they need First.
Speaker:We will explore that concept because it took me a really long time to really
Speaker:get it enough to do it effectively, because the two things are really
Speaker:different, and as coaches we often have a raised sense of awareness, that
Speaker:we can talk to them in, coach speak.
Speaker:We think that everybody knows about limiting beliefs and values and
Speaker:all other things that we know, but sadly, the average person doesn't
Speaker:know this stuff yet, and so coaching can be seen as a luxury item, and we
Speaker:need to help the average person who isn't used to investing that kind of
Speaker:money in themselves see its value.
Speaker:So we need to position your coaching in a way that resonates with them and
Speaker:addresses their immediate desires.
Speaker:So to do this, I love the analogy of the front door and back door.
Speaker:So, for example, someone who is unhappy in their job and wants a new job, the
Speaker:front door is, I wanna get a new job.
Speaker:The back door is the confidence to actually leave that job knowing their
Speaker:values to ensure that they go for a job that they love, knowing their
Speaker:strengths so they can actually really feel fulfilled in the next move.
Speaker:So what can happen by accident, because we know as coaches you know, there's a lot
Speaker:more involved with just getting a new job.
Speaker:Usually than filling in your CV and just applying for another
Speaker:job because it's often a pattern.
Speaker:Like they're probably miserable in their job because they were miserable in the
Speaker:one before that and the one before that, there is so much more usually to be done.
Speaker:So we will often say, and I've definitely done it to my friend, come for some
Speaker:coaching, I can really help you.
Speaker:We can improve your confidence that you can really go for jobs that you love.
Speaker:And she is like, no, thank you.
Speaker:I don't have time for that.
Speaker:That's really nice.
Speaker:And I know that, yeah, one day I'll do that, but right
Speaker:now I just need to get a job.
Speaker:So what I really need to do is lean into my friend's immediate must
Speaker:have solved now issue, which is get a job and say, come work with me.
Speaker:I'll help you to get that next job.
Speaker:And then when she's in the front door, which is get the job, we will say, great.
Speaker:So session one, what's going on for you right now?
Speaker:What's holding you back from getting the job that you love?
Speaker:And then you'll get to explore all of the stuff that is holding the person
Speaker:back from actually achieving their goal, which is usually the confidence,
Speaker:the mindset, all of the stuff.
Speaker:But we need to actively lead with that front door issue.
Speaker:So have a think about your ideal client.
Speaker:What is their big goal that they are currently actually
Speaker:aware of and actively seeking?
Speaker:Think about what they're thinking about in the middle of the night
Speaker:when they're worried, what is the one thing that they are aware of
Speaker:that they need help with right now?
Speaker:So take some time to have a think about your ideal client's front door issue.
Speaker:Another real life example of a mistake I made when I first started
Speaker:my program, the business of coaching was selling the idea of helping people
Speaker:to build their coaching business.
Speaker:I mean, obviously that's what you need to do to get clients.
Speaker:There is identifying your why.
Speaker:Setting up your business, your niche, your marketing, overcoming your
Speaker:visibility issues, knowing how to have sales calls, how to set up sales
Speaker:funnels like there is so much involved.
Speaker:So I was leading with help you to build your business.
Speaker:But actually what people wanted was, I just wanna know how to get clients.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:So for example, I used to have a lead magnet, which is a free pdf.
Speaker:I've probably spoken about it in previous issues of 10 steps
Speaker:to build your coaching business.
Speaker:I had really slow growth with that lead magnet.
Speaker:Yeah, people did download it, but the moment I changed my lead magnet,
Speaker:to, 12 ways to get clients now.
Speaker:I had like 50 downloads in the matter of a day, so it was a huge difference
Speaker:and really showed me that I too, was going wrong because again, of the raised
Speaker:awareness I have of what's involved in actually building your coaching
Speaker:business so again, it's really easy to get this wrong because we know
Speaker:far too much about the things that we usually end up helping people with.
Speaker:So once you understand your client's front door issue,
Speaker:it's time to craft a compelling headline that resonates with them.
Speaker:So what is going on in their life right now?
Speaker:What do they wish for?
Speaker:And try to express it in really concrete terms.
Speaker:So for example, get out of your rut and get into a job that you love.
Speaker:That could be a clear front door message.
Speaker:If you, for example, are a career coach.
Speaker:Okay, so now we know how to sell them what they want, not what they need.
Speaker:Let's move on to your journey.
Speaker:So your steps that you are going to take this person on to get them there.
Speaker:Have a think about three to six steps that they may need to take.
Speaker:So, for example, if you are a career coach, they might be your confidence, your
Speaker:strengths, the technical aspects of career change, and then maybe a how to excel in
Speaker:your career once you have your new job.
Speaker:So they might be my four steps in my coaching program that will
Speaker:help somebody get from stuck in a rut into a job that they love.
Speaker:So by outlining a journey, you can provide a tangible roadmap that people
Speaker:understand enough to think, okay, I can kind of see that if I wanted to get
Speaker:this result, it looks like these are the sorts of things that I need to know.
Speaker:Yes, please.
Speaker:I am in.
Speaker:So now you have your high level steps.
Speaker:It's time to think about the logistics.
Speaker:So just because you have three or four high level steps doesn't
Speaker:mean that that is the amount of coaching sessions you will use.
Speaker:You'll want to think about what are the logistics like how many sessions
Speaker:are you giving free email access, like what goes into your offer and
Speaker:tailor it to fit that person's needs and your needs as well ultimately.
Speaker:Then comes pricing.
Speaker:So it's crucial to think about your pricing in terms of the
Speaker:transformation that you provide versus the cost of a session,
Speaker:because it's not about the session.
Speaker:So much goes into that relationship.
Speaker:You hold space in your heart for that person while you're working with them.
Speaker:Over the several months you're working with them, not just in the session.
Speaker:There will be toing and froing back and forth over things.
Speaker:They will be gaining insights from the actions they're
Speaker:taking in between sessions.
Speaker:If you want to have a really successful coaching business, it's really good
Speaker:to start thinking about the time, energy, and expertise you bring to the
Speaker:table and confidently set your prices.
Speaker:So if you are thinking, what about coach training school, because this
Speaker:sounds completely the opposite.
Speaker:Yes, you are right.
Speaker:It is completely the opposite because at coach training, they teach you
Speaker:how to coach, but they don't teach you how to actually sell coaching so
Speaker:that you actually do get to coach.
Speaker:Because there is a huge gap and I wish more coach training providers were
Speaker:really open about the fact that you might need to learn some marketing and sales
Speaker:skills to be able to have a career as a coach because there is so much to learn.
Speaker:It's like an entire, another qualification in itself, how to build a business
Speaker:and actually make this work for you.
Speaker:Microphone (Samson Q2U Microphone)-6: So that was a Whistlestop tour into
Speaker:creating a signature coaching program.
Speaker:Let's summarize today's episode.
Speaker:So firstly, what is the Signature Coaching System?
Speaker:It's how you help your clients get from A to B.
Speaker:Secondly, we covered why you might want a signature coaching system
Speaker:versus just selling coaching.
Speaker:And the reasons were it differentiates you from other coaches.
Speaker:It creates more reliable outcomes.
Speaker:It helps you to actually sell coaching so you can actually do the thing you love.
Speaker:It allows your clients to feel safe and cared for, and it gives you the ability
Speaker:to create multiple streams of income.
Speaker:Thirdly, we went into how to create your own signature coaching package.
Speaker:So firstly, sell them what they want, not what they need, address their front door
Speaker:issue rather than the back door issue.
Speaker:Secondly, mapping out your journey from their current situation
Speaker:to their desired outcome.
Speaker:Thirdly, we talked about the logistics.
Speaker:How many sessions, like what's exactly involved in what you're
Speaker:selling, and fourthly, determining your pricing and making sure that it
Speaker:reflects the value that you provide.
Speaker:So good luck with your signature coaching offer.
Speaker:If you want my help implementing this, this is what I do best in
Speaker:my signature coaching program, the Business of Coaching.
Speaker:You can learn more about this via my website in the show notes or book a call
Speaker:to see if it's what you need right now to grow your business with more ease
Speaker:and attract the clients that you want.
Speaker:And like I always say at the end of every episode, trust yourself, believe
Speaker:in yourself, and be the wise gardener who keeps on watering the seed.
Speaker:Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena.
Speaker:Please come and say hi to me on LinkedIn or Instagram and let me
Speaker:know how you are getting on in your coaching business and how you are
Speaker:gonna go for your dreams this year.
Speaker:My name on LinkedIn is Joanna Lott and on Instagram is at Joanna Lott Coaching, and
Speaker:I'll also put links in the show notes.
Speaker:Let me know if you found this episode useful.
Speaker:Share it with a friend and leave me a review, and I will
Speaker:personally thank you for that.
Speaker:Thank you so much for listening.