1 | Why now is a good time to go for it in your coaching business
Whether you're wondering whether to start your coaching business, or whether to take bigger action in your current coaching business in this episode I'll be sharing the 5 reasons why NOW is a great time to go for it.
Key Points From This Episode
00:01:00]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[00:01:00] Jo explains that last week’s episode focused on why whatever you want is possible for you and why NOW is a great time to go for it.
00:03:45]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[00:03:45] The first reason - The Spring Equinox is now.
00:05:00]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[00:05:00] The second reason - The Law of Diminishing Intent
00:08:00]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[00:08:00] The third reason - Setting big goals and believing in your highest potential will always get you further than not daring to believe at all.
00:16:00]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[00:16:00] The fourth reason - Your big goal is just a bunch of small steps.
00:18:00]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[00:18:00] The fifth reason - If your mind has created this dream, it's been put there for a reason.
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Hello and welcome to the first episode [00:00:30] of Women in the Coaching Arena.
In this episode, I'm going be talking to you about what's possible for you in your coaching business, and why now is a great time to go for it. And when I say "it" I mean whatever dream you've been hiding in the corner of your mind, whether it's launching a business or taking bigger action in your current coaching business.
hat it is possible for you . [:This episode has been inspired by a kind of negative event that happened when I started my coaching business. You have probably experienced the same. So, what are you doing? Are you gonna get a real job? Are you gonna be one of the thousands of struggling coaches out there?
u. Who do you think you are? [:But that was the two days a week that I had childcare. [00:03:00] So I've proven that it is possible and I will never say it's easy because my strap line is honesty, not hype, but it's possible. Like who wants an easy life? No one would ever run the marathon if we wanted easy things. Like that's hard. That's challenging, and that's what brings fulfillment.
oing to help by sharing five [:1. So the first reason that it's a really good time right now is because if you are listening to this podcast around its release date on 22nd of March, we have the spring equinox.
as a powerful new beginning, [:So whether or not you believe in astrology, it actually doesn't matter. It's about allowing in that perspective shift so you have a powerful fresh start ahead.
It's far too [:2. So the second reason why now is a really good time to believe in what's possible for you in your coaching business is because of the law of diminishing intent. So the law of diminishing intent shows that the longer we delay doing something, the less likely that we will ever do it at all. So John Maxwell researched this theory and shared, if we don't make some [00:05:30] move towards doing something within 48 hours, it becomes less and less likely that we will ever do it at all. So think back to a time when you got an idea, maybe you were in the shower or out for a walk and you had a sudden flash of inspiration.
re really excited to make it [:So how did it go? Did you take action quickly or did you think about it for a little bit too long? So the idea and motivation fizzled out. Perhaps that little unhelpful voice in your head said it's too hard, too complicated, or just completely impossible. So before you knew it, you were frozen in this cycle of inactivity, [00:06:30] procrastination, and every few months you look back and wish you had taken action. Because I think it's good to know that creativity and action creates momentum. So if you are taking inspired action a lot, when you get that idea and take steps towards it quickly, you will generate even more momentum and one action leads to the next. The only way you will get closer to what the right answer is for you is to take one tiny [00:07:00] step towards what you want.
ow to actually bring it into [:Can you offer to do a free talk somewhere that these people might be hanging out? Can you put out a social media post very clearly painting a picture of what their life is like now? Because the more you can connect to what they're feeling right now and paint the picture of where they want to be, the [00:08:30] more they will see you as that solution.
3. So the third reason why it's a really good time to believe in what's possible for you is that setting big goals and believing in your highest potential will always get you further than not daring to believe at all. So if you set yourself a really big mission, think outside the box, explore what's really possible for you in your life and in your business.
Then you will be far [:I said, I don't mind what I do when I grow up, but I don't want to [00:09:30] work in an office. And what happened? I sat in an office doing admin and governance and really boring work or HR work as well, which was a bit more interesting. But you know it wasn't my thing. I'm a creative person and what I chose was just completely out of alignment with who I am. So for me, despite the fact that having a coaching business, is hard, it's all consuming. It means [00:10:00] so much. There is a lot to do. There is so much to learn and market and show up and do sales and be visible and all of those things that feel really scary.
or me. So if you are worried [:All of those kind of thoughts, you know? Just know that the point isn't to easily hit the goal. The point is to aim high so you stretch yourself and your potential, and you think bigger, you feel more motivated, you expand your thinking, and you ask yourself better questions to literally become the best [00:11:00] version of you. So instead of only allowing suffering in because obviously our brains will tell us it's all pointless. It's never gonna work. Ask yourself better questions like, how can I make this work? What other options are there? Focus on solution-based thinking versus looking for problems.
e first place. So it's never [:So for me, in 2021, I published a book, it was called Your Dream Job Toolkit. Obviously inspired by the fact I had finally left my job [00:12:00] and I was so desperate for everybody to find work that they love. So I was doing this book, but I also had this secret dream if I was gonna bother doing the book what I wanted was to become a number one bestselling author. Obviously as a fairly new coach at the time and with no writing experience or publishing experience or money to pay for a team of people to do this for me, it felt like it was pretty [00:12:30] impossible. So I kind of wrote it. In pencil on my vision board so faint because I was just too scared to even say it to myself, and I certainly didn't say it to anybody else.
ree CV and LinkedIn profile. [:And very rarely do you really get that feeling. There's been studies to show that, that day after the Oscars, is the most depressing day for most Oscar winners. They think, wow, when I finally get to that point, I [00:14:00] will feel seen. I will feel important. I will feel heard. And it doesn't always come because as we know, as coaches, it's an inside job.
f it fails? At least you are [:So if you have that dream and if you are ready to fully step into it, Then what's stopping you? What's the worst that could possibly happen? If you go for this dream and [00:15:00] what's the best that could happen? If you dare to believe that this is possible for you.
this book was out there, so [:Because it's those traits that you will gain, on your journey of doing brave things that will never be [00:16:00] wasted. You can bring them into every single aspect of your life and your business and draw on those for strength when you need it. So set that goal, set that big goal, and take it one step at a time. Don't worry about failing or not hitting your goal. Know that the purpose of the goal is not to reach the goal. It's about who you become by actually going after that goal.[00:16:30]
s straight towards that goal [:And so if your dream, for example, is gaining a corporate coaching client, give yourself the first few steps. So maybe it's writing a list of every company in your area or in the industry you would love to work in. Maybe you want to research who might be the best decision maker in those companies. Maybe you want to connect with [00:17:30] them on LinkedIn. Maybe you want to see if they've put any posts out that you can interact with. See if you have anything in common that you can start building a relationship with them in a really small way. It might be a full six months before you gain the contract, but start right now with making that connection.
relationships and whether it [:5. Okay, so reason number five is if your mind has created this dream, [00:18:30] then it has been put there for a reason.
the moon or streaming on our [:So can you imagine if no one persevered and fought back against all those limiting beliefs that it was not possible? And just last week Michelle Yeoh won best actress at the Oscars as the first woman from an Malasian background to do so, and she was age 60 as well. And she had a really hard time in Hollywood and so many people told [00:19:30] her to give up that she was past it. And had she listened and not put in the constant work, then she wouldn't have won and created a new possibility for underrepresented groups everywhere. But she worked really hard for a really long time and she said in her acceptance speech that tonight we broke through the glass ceiling and she finished her [00:20:00] acceptance speech by saying, ladies, never let anyone tell you that you are past your prime. And so I think that is super inspirational. So don't worry about the probability of achieving something or not, and anyone else's view of what you are doing will be limited by their own experiences and their own beliefs.
ys nothing about you, and it [:And obviously we all make excuses, but it's about catching ourselves and thinking is this excuse serving me anymore or have I actually outgrown it?
t to risk being disappointed [:Okay, so let me summarize the five reasons why now is a particularly good time to believe in what's possible for you and your coaching business.
ring equinox. It's happening [:The second reason it's a really good time is the law of diminishing intent. If you don't take action within 48 hours, you are far, far less likely to ever take action at all. So the time is now.[00:22:00]
And the third reason why it is a good time to believe in what's possible for you is that setting the goals and believing in your highest potential will always get you further than if you didn't set those goals and didn't fully step into it and state it out loud or in very, very fine pencil even to yourself.
small steps added together. [:So the fifth reason why what you want is possible is. I bet that someone else has already achieved what you want to achieve. So look up those examples of possibility. Look for evidence that what you [00:23:00] are perhaps saying to yourself in those limiting beliefs is actually not true. Like maybe people actually have built a successful coaching business.
Are there people out there? Look for them? Look them up, realize that it is possible. And if it's possible for them, it's possible for you too.
s always that first time. So [:So when you become the type of person to go all in, then you make the world a more exciting, inspiring place to be, and you make yourself a more exciting and inspiring person to be around. [00:24:00] So I hope you get everything you want and live a full amazing, brilliant life and launch that next project, launch that business, whatever it is for you.
Get one step today towards that huge, huge goal.
So trust yourself. Believe in yourself, and be the wise gardener who keeps on watering the seed.
n the Coaching Arena. Please [:Let me know if you found this episode useful. Share it with a friend and leave me a review, and I will personally thank you for that. Thank you so much for [00:25:00] listening. Speak soo